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Family Asilidae
- This page contains pictures and information about Zebra Robber Flies that we found
in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.

- Body length 20mm
- The Robber Flies have alternating black and white strips on body so we
called them Zebra Robber Flies. All legs are black in colour. The wings are
black in colour with small transparent area.

- Robber Flies in this tribe can be distinguished from other tribes by the
presence of a pair of short stout spines above the wing-insertions, as shown
in the above close-up image.
- Reference:
- 1. A taxonomic revision of the tribe Chrysopogonini (Diptera: Asilidae) - Clements,
A.N. 1985, Australian Journal of Zoology, Suppl. Ser. No. 109. 93 pp.
- 2. A phylogenetic hypothesis for Asilidae based on a total evidence analysis of morphological and DNA sequence data (Insecta: Diptera:
Brachycera: Asilidae) - Dikow, T. 2009, Organisms, Diversity & Evolution 9: 165–188.
[ Up ] [ Wasp-mimic Robber Fly I ] [ Wasp-mimic Robber Fly II ] [ Zebra Robber Fly I ] [ Zebra Robber Fly II ]
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