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Family Asilidae
This page contains pictures and information about Line-legged Slender Robber Flies
that we found
in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.

- Body length 15mm
- We distinguished this Slender Robber Fly by the dark-brown line patterns on
its legs.
- In the photos the robber fly is feeding on a stink
bug nymph.
- Unlike most robber flies in other subfamily, the robber
flies in this family do not attack prey during flight. They attack prey that
are not on the wings.
1. Family ASILIDAE Robber Flies - Australian Biological Resources Study, Australian Faunal Directory.
2. Australian Asilidae - Dr. Robert
Lavigne, Honorary Research Associate, South Australian Museum, Adelaide, SA.
[ Up ] [ Grey-legged Slender Robber Fly ] [ Orange Slender Robber Fly ] [ Orange-legged Slender Robber Fly ] [ Line-legged Slender Robber Fly ] [ Brown-legged Slender Robber Fly ] [ Black-legged Slender Robber Fly ]
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