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Family Asilidae
This page contains pictures and information about Yellow Slender Robber Flies that we found
in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.

- Body length 15mm, female
- This
robber fly is yellowish-grey in colour, wings tinted with reddish brown. Legs are black
with yellowish-brown. Its antennae are slender style.
 - Male
- Female
- The above picture shows the robber fly feeding on its prey, a winged ant. Robber Flies are air hunter.
They have piercing mouth-parts and strong legs which can catch prey on flight. They are medium to large
size flies with large eyes and necked head. They are active predators on flying
insects, unselective in prey species.
- This
robber fly is medium in size, usually found resting on tips of
- 1. Asilini
- Australian Asilidae - Dr. Robert
Lavigne, Honorary Research Associate, South Australian Museum, Adelaide, SA.
- 2. Family ASILIDAE Robber Flies - Australian Biological Resources Study, Australian Faunal Directory.
- 3. A new species of Cerdistus (Insecta: Diptera: Asilidae) from South Australia,
Cerdistus judyjanei, Lavigne, R.J. 2010 - The South Australian Naturalist 84(1): 7-14 [7-12].
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