Orchid Dupe Wasp 


Subfamily Banchinae - Mottled Ichneumon Wasps

Order Hymenoptera, Family Ichneumonidae  

This page contains pictures and information about Mottled Ichneumon Wasps in subfamily Banchinae that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.
Their larvae are internal parasitic of caterpillars and pupas of targeted host, usually Moths or Butterflies. 
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Ichneumon Wasps in subfamily Inchneumoninae can be distinguished with the followings characteristic;
    - on the forewing usually with the quadrate shaped areolet or absent,
    - forewing with a single bullae (unpigmented area of vein) in 2m-cu (except tribe Phygadeuontini),
    - ovipositor long to very long,
    - antennae are with or without white band, 

Banded Pupa Parasite Wasp
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Leptobatopsis sp. body length 20mm
The wasp is black in colour with white bands. The legs are reddish-brown. On the forewing there is the quadrate shaped areolet. Please check this page for more information. 
Black-banded Ichneumon Wasp
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Lissonota sp. body length 20mm
Most wasps in Phygadeuontinae look very similar as many of them are black in colour with white markings. Antenna are often with white band. Photos were taken in Wishart bushland near Bulimba Creek on Aug 2009. Please check this page for more information.
Brown-banded Ichneumon Wasp
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Lissonota sp., body length 15mm
This wasp is reddish-brown in colours with white patterns. From it white-banded antenna, we believed it is in the Phygadeuontinae subfamily but cannot tell the species name. Please check this page for more information.

1. Insects of Australia, CSIRO, Division of Entomology, Melbourne University Press, 2nd Edition 1991, pp 945.
2. An introduction to the Ichneumonidae of Australia - Gauld, I.D. 1984, British Museum.
3. Northern Territory Insects, A Comprehensive Guide CD - Graham Brown, 2009.

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Last updated: August 19, 2012.