


Flat Jumping Spider - Arasia mollicoma


This page contains pictures and information about Flat Jumping Spiders that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.

Body length 15mm
The spider has a flatten body and crab style legs look like a Huntsman Spider.  Its body shape is very different from other jumping spider. We know it is a jumping spider only when looking at its eyes, which are arranged in a typical jumping spider's way.
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This spider has a flatten body and long abdomen. It is pale brown in colour. It was found a few times in Karawatha Forest on gum tree trunk during late summer. 
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The spider is pale in colour. Together with its flat body, the spider is well adapted hunting under the barks of smooth bark gum tree trunk.

1. Jumping spiders Family Salticidae - by Ed Nieuwenhuys, 26 November 2006.
2. Arasia mollicoma (L. Koch, 1880) - Salticidae: Diagnostic Drawings Library, by J. Proszynski, 2000 


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Last updated: October 19, 2007.