| | Transverse
Moth - Xanthodes transversa
Family Noctuidae
This page contains pictures and information about Transverse Moths that we found in
the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.

- Moth wingspan 30mm
The adult Transverse Moth is yellow in
colour, with three brown arrow-shaped lines across each forewing. The back
edges of the forewings are dark brown in colour.
- We sometimes find this Transverse Moths
caterpillars on
Hibiscus plants in our backyard. When small, the caterpillars are light green
in colour. Later they develop yellow bands and black spots. There is the red
spot at the end tip which may mislead the predator it is its head.

- Caterpillar length 50mm
- We wanted to known what is the adult moth look like. We found the caterpillar on the Hibiscus plant and keep it in a jar. We
fed the
caterpillar with fresh Hibiscus leaves every day. A few days later, the caterpillar pupated on the
bottom of the jar among the plant materials. Two
weeks later the adult moth came out.

- Moth wingspan 30mm
We opened the jar and put it
in our backyard. The moths fly away during the night.
- Reference:
- 1. Moths
of Australia - I. F. B. Common, Melbourne University Press,
1990, p457, Fig48.1.
- 2. Xanthodes
Guenee, 1852 - Australian Caterpillars, by Don Herbison-Evans & Stella Crossley,
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