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- Followings are the spiders that yet to be identified. Please advise
if you know any of them.

- ? sp., body length 8mm
- When we found the spider, it was moving to some where by Kiting.
- Green Longlegs Spider

- ? sp., body length 5mm

- Pictures
were taken on Oct 2005 in Karawatha Forest.

- Found
another one in Bayside Bushland
July 2008.


- This spider builds small vertical orb web with circular stabilimentum.

Unidentified Spider Egg-sacs
- Followings are the spider egg-sacs that yet to be identified. Please advise
if you know any of them.
- Unknown spider egg-sac 1

- ?
sp., dia. 6mm
- Picture taken in late summer. Notice there is the hole on each egg-sac. The
spiderlings were all hatched and gone.
- Unknown spider egg-sac 2

- ?
- Egg-sac found under bark. Picture taken in early winter.
- Unknown spider egg-sac 3

- ?
- Picture taken in early winter.
- Unknown spider egg-sac 4

- ?
sp., diameter 3mm
- Picture taken in Karawatha Forest on Sep 2007.
Unidentified Spider Webs
- Followings are the spider webs that yet to be identified. Please advise
if you know any of them.
- Tangled Web and entry

- ?
- This tangled spider web is common on large Ironbark tree trunk.
- Web
with messy plant materials

- ?
- Sheet Web

- ?
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