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- Spiders in this family are small to medium size spiders, with round or oval
abdomen dark or brown in colour. Their eight eyes are in two rows of four. They
build tangled web with a tubular retreat.
- Usually there are the the silken sheet at one end of of their retreat.
The prey that lands on the sheet is caught and consumed in the retreat. The egg
sac is made in the funnel and the male often stays with the female. They produce
cribellate silks (not sticky, but zigzag and elastic).
- Black House Spider
- Badumna insignis (former Ixeuticus robustus), body length
- Black House Spiders build tangled web outside theirs retreat. Every evening the
spider either repairs the web or extends it. The prey, usually small
insects, that lands on the web is caught and consumed in the retreat.
Please also visit this page for more
- Brown House Spider

- Badumna longingua (former Ixeuticus longingua), body length
- The Brown House Spiders looked very similar to the Black
House Spiders above. We identified those found in the bushes with lighter brown
colour as Brown House Spider, those found with larger size and darker brown
colour as Black House Spiders. We have more pictures and information about Brown
House Spider in this page.
- Reference:
- 1. Wildlife
of Greater Brisbane - Queensland Museum 1995, p26 (Black House
- 2. DESIDAE Intertidal Spiders
- Robert Whyte, Save Our Waterways Now.
- 3. Desis - Long-jawed intertidal spiders or lace web spiders - Ed Nieuwenhuys 20 december 2006.
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