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- The group has recently been raised to family level status. It
includes the Australia's biggest spiders, the Golden Orb Weavers. They were formerly grouped in the families
Araneidae and then Tetragnathidae.
- Drawing by Tony, age 7..
Unlike the spiders in Araneidae family which first wrap their prey in silk after capture and then bites it,
spiders in this family bite the prey first and then wrap with silk.
- Golden Orb-Weaver 1

- Nephila plumipes, body length female 20mm,
male 5mm
- The spider makes golden webs. The head is covered with silver hairs. The
fangs are large and strong. The body is uniform yellow brown to silver grey.
The legs are long and black with yellow joints and can span the width of an
average adult hand. There is the detail information in this Golden
- Golden Orb-Weaver 2

- Nephila edulis, body length 20mm
- The spiders are brown in colour.
They have long legs, pale brown in colour with dark brown joints. Their first, second and fourth pairs of legs have
brushes of black hairs. The third pair of legs are the shortest and no
brush. The abdomen is long oval shaped. Their head is covered with silvery hairs.
Please check this page for more
- Reference:
- 1. Nephilidae.com-
A web resource for nephilid spiders (Araneae, Nephilidae) version 1.3a (23 May 2007) by Matjaž Kuntner.
- 2. NEPHILIDAE Simon, 1894 - Australian Biological Resources Study.
- 3. The
systematics and biology of the spider genus Nephila (Araneae:
Nephilidae) in the Australian Region) - Harvey, M.S., Austin, A.D.
& Adams, M. 2007, Invertebrate Systematics.
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