Scientific Facts
Web building

Orb Web Weavers


Golden Orb-Weaver 1
Golden Orb-Weaver 2 
Diamond Comb-footed
Platform Comb-footed 

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FAMILY ULOBORIDAE - Uloborid spiders

Spiders in this family do not have poison glands. They capture prey only rely on wrapping by silk. They build small incomplete orb web, mostly horizontal, usually not as perfect as those built by spiders in other web building families. Some species build web are considered as untidy. They use different type of silk than other spiders, known as cribellate silk which is woolly appearance. Those spiders sometimes find live in group with individual webs loosely connected. 

Brown Uloborid spider
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Uloboris congregabilis (Uloborus congregabilis), body length 6mm
This is a small spider and dull brown in colour. The humped abdomen is in triangular profile. It builds small horizontal or inclined orb webs. Please check this page for more information. 
White Uloborid spider
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Philoponella variabilis ?, body length 6mm 
This is a smaller spider will creamy colour. They build small incomplete orb web, mostly horizontal, usually not as perfect as those built by spiders in other web building families. Visit this page for more information about this spider.

1. A Guide to Australian Spiders - Densey Clyne, Melbourne, Nelson 1969, p33, plate 17.
2. Uloborid spiders - Ed Nieuwenhuys, Ronald Loggen 1997/98.
3. ULOBORIDAE Hackled orbweavers - Save Our Waterways Now. 

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Last updated: October 25, 2009.