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- This page contains pictures and information of Golden Orb Web Spiders that
we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.

- Body length 20mm
- The spiders are brown in colour.
They have long legs, pale brown in colour with dark brown joints. Their first, second and fourth pairs of legs have
brushes of black hairs. The third pair of legs are the shortest and no
brush. The abdomen is long oval shaped. Their head is covered with silvery hairs.

- The pictures show the spider just captured a grasshopper (Macrotona

Unlike the spiders in Araneidae family which first wrap their prey in silk after capture and then bites it, Golden Orb Web spider
bites the prey first and then wrap with silk.

- Unlike the other Golden Orb-Weaver which
builds web could be high of a few meters above ground. This spider usually
build web about one meter above ground.
- Reference:
- 2. Golden orb-weaver -
Find-a-spider Guide for the Spiders of Southern Queensland, Dr Ron
Atkinson, 2008.
- 4. Australian Spiders in colour - Ramon Mascord, Reed Books Pty
Ltd, 1970, p74.
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