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This page contains pictures and information about Comb-footed Platform
Spiders that
we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.

- Female, body length 7mm
- The Comb-footed Platform Spiders are common in Brisbane Eucalypt forest.
Females are dark orange to dark reddish-brown in colours with white markings
and pale patterns on the
abdomen. It seems that those younger females are orange in colour. When
they grow they become darker. Males are oranges in colours with white
marking on top of abdomen.

- Comb-footed Platform Spiders build tangled
webs between large gum tree trunks where the gap is usually 0.5 meter. There is
always a curled leaf or pieces of debris as retreat at the middle.

- Males look simular but half the size of female. During mating season
(Nov in Brisbane), males are seen around female's retreat. Sometimes two or
more males can be seen approaching a female.

Retreat and Egg-sac

- Inside the retread females make the ball shape egg-sacs,
6-8mm in diameter.



The Tangled Web
- Comb-footed Platform Spiders build tangled
web, which is a messy network of threads between tree trunks, a curled leaf or pieces of debris as retreat at the middle. Under the
threads occasionally they build a close-mesh horizontal sheet web. They prey on all different insects include small to medium size.

- Their tangled web structure may not be as sophisticated as those orb
web, or you may not even call them a web. But they are effective in
capturing prey. Those tangled webs are usually build between tree trunks
which are 0.5 meter apart and 1 meter above ground. this gap of 0.5 meter
opening in the forest is a general pathway for flying
- The ants walking up and down along the tree trunks sometimes fallen onto
the web which become the prey as well. From the remains on the spider webs,
those fallen ants are one of their major food source.
- From those spider photos above, we noticed that they can be separated in
two groups. One group is paler in orange colour and builds retreat with dry
curl leaves. The other group is darker in black colour and builds retreat
with small price of fallen barks. They may be in two separated species.
- Reference:
- 1. Achaearanea
mundula - The Find-a-spider Guide for the Spiders of
Southern Queensland, Dr Ron Atkinson, 2006.
- 2. Achaearanea mundula Comb Footed Platform Spider
- Robert Whyte, Save Our Waterways Now.
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