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Net-casting Spider - Deinopis subrufa (former Dinopis bicornis)


This page contains pictures and information about Net-casting Spiders that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia. 

Leg to leg 60mm  
This Net-casting Spiders look similar to the above species. The only different are the pattern on the male and female's abdomen. They are found sometimes on the lower plants in backyards.
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Male leg to leg 80mm                                             female leg to leg 60mm 
The above pictures are taken at the same location so we believe the spiders are the same species. And we think the spiders with thin abdomen is male and the one with larger abdomen is female.
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However, we found that the larger abdomen spider have its clubbed plaps,  and this suggests it is a male. We have to look for more information to check this out. Please advise if you have any idea. 

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We found it once in the She-oak tree area in the Karawatha Forest. It was hiding amount the fallen dry She-oak needle leaves. 
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The spider camouflaged very well on those dry needle leaves back ground.

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Also find this spider in Daisy Hill on early summer Oct 2008. We believed this is a male for it has the narrow abdomen and clubbed plaps. 
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However, the plaps of this spider is larger than other species and spiny, suggested there could be other functions other than mating. Seems both male and female's plaps are clubbed and male's are even larger.

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Find the male again on Oct 2009 in Daisy Hill.

1. Net-casting spider - The Find-a-spider Guide for Australian Spiders, University of Southern Queensland, 2007.
2. A Guide to Australian Spiders - Densey Clyne, Melbourne, Nelson 1969, p33. 

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Last updated: November 21, 2009.