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Family Pentatomidae
This page contains pictures and information about Two-dots Shield Bugs that we found in
the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.

- Body length 20mm
- This is a medium size stink bug with dense brown punctuation dots on
yellow body. Its legs and antenna are orange brown in colour. There is a
black dot on each front wing-covers. The apex of scutellum lightened only at very tip.

- We found this bug only once on summer Jan 2005 in the rain forest in Mt
Nebo near Mt Tamborine.
- Reference:
- 1. A revision of the species of Australian and New Guinea shield bugs formerly placed in the genera
Poecilometis Dallas and Eumecopus Dallas (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae), with description of new species and selection of lectotypes.
- Gross, G.F. (1972). Aust. J. Zool. Suppl. Ser. 15: 1-192 (description, revision),
Fig 34.
- 2. Species Poecilometis monteithi Gross, 1972 - Australian Biological Resources Study, Department of the Environment and
Heritage, Commonwealth of Australia 2008.
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