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For those Pentatominae
stink bugs we found only one species in their group, they are
listed in this page.
- There are four Australian species in this Genera.
- Dry Nut Stink Bug

- Spermatodes parvus, body length 10mm
- We found this bug once in Karawatha Forest during late summer. It was
hiding on a dry stem tip among dry leaves and hard to be noticed. The bug is
brown in colour. It has a very large scutellum which covered almost all its
back. There are the recess areas on each side of its back. More information
and pictures can be found in this page.
Tribe Caystrini
- Small Brown Shield Bug

- Caystrus pallidolimbatus, body length 8mm
- In mid summer we found this bug laying eggs on grass. We found some of
them near by feeding on tall grasses near Bulimba Creek in Macgregor Bushland. More
pictures and information can be found in this page.
Genus Montrouzieriellis

- Montrouzieriellis sp., body length 12mm
- The bug was brown in colour with metallic green spots on
connexiva. Check this page for more information.
- Reference:
- 1. Insects
of Australia, CSIRO, Division of Entomology, Melbourne University
Press, 2nd Edition 1991, pp 508.
- 2. Stink
Bugs of Australia - FaunaKeys,
Australian Museum online 2003.
- 3. .
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