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- We found two species of tribe Antestini in Brisbane.
Genera Antestiopsis
- Green Grid Stink Bug
- Antestiopsis sp. (A. cederwaldi or A. notia ), body length 10mm
- The stink bug is grass-green in colour with brown-yellow to pale green
grid lines on thorax. Head is black with green and yellow lines. We have more information and pictures
about this bug in this page.
Genera Plautia
- Green Stink Bug

- Plautia affinis, body length 10mm
- The bug is mainly green with brown forewings. This bug is
considered as pest on stone fruits, mulberries, grapes and vegetables such as
beans and tomatoes. We have more information and pictures in this page.
Genera Novatilla
- Orange Black Stink Bug

- Novatilla virgata, body length 10mm
- We saw this bug once during mid summer in Karawatha Forest. It was wandering
on grasses. The small bug has the eye-catching colour patterns, with orange
and white strips on black. Please also check this web page.
- Reference:
- 1. Insects
of Australia, CSIRO, Division of Entomology, Melbourne University
Press, 2nd Edition 1991, pp 508.
- 2. Stink
Bugs of Australia - FaunaKeys,
Australian Museum online 2003.
- 3. .
- 4. Antestini -
Australian Biological Resources Study, Department of the Environment and
Heritage, Commonwealth of Australia 2005.
- 5. Plant-feeding and Other Bugs (Hemiptera) of South Australia.
Heteroptera – Part II - by Gordon F. Gross, South Australian Government
Printer, Adelaide, 1976, p435.
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