Orange Black Stink Bug


Wild Tobacco Spined Bug - Cuspicona forticornis

Family Pentatomidae

This page contains pictures and information about Wild Tobacco Spined Bugs that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.
Body length 12mm, male and female
This big is green in colour with spined shoulder. It is closely resemble the Spined Citrus Bug but a bit smaller. 
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We always find this bug on Wild Tobacco Solanum mauritianum. 
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As most other bugs, this bug is plants sucker. It sucks plant juice from stems, leaves and fruits.  
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Usually a number of them can be found feeding on the same plants. 
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The bug nymphs were found near the Green Potato Bug adults on the same plants. 
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2nd instars, 5th instars and adults 
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3rd instars 
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4th instars Green bug nymph body length 8mm
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5th instars body length 10mm

Foot Plant

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The host plant Wild Tobacco Solanum mauritianum 

1. Stink Bugs of Australia - FaunaKeys,  Australian Museum online 2003.
2. Cuspicona Dallas, 1851 - by Gerry Cassis, Emma Betts and Michael Elliott, Stink Bugs, Fauna Net, Australian Museum 2002. 
3. Cuspicona forticornis Breddin, 1900 - Australian Biological Resources Study, Department of the Environment and Heritage, Commonwealth of Australia 2005. 

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Last updated: August 12, 2010.