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- This page contains pictures and information about Gum Tree Shield Bugs in genera Poecilometis that
we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.

- Shield Bug Feeding on gum tree trunk
- Poecilometis is the largest stink bug genera (50 species) in Australia. They are usually found feeding on
gum or other native trees. We found a number of different species in Brisbane. The adults
are 15-25mm in body length. Most are dark brown to reddish brown in colour.
They are usually found on Eucalyptus
or other native trees.
Poecilometis stink bugs can be distinguished from other similar
genera by wings longer than abdomen, with wing veins linear and
mostly subparallel. Antennae are basically 4-segmented but appearing 5-segmented in a number of species owing to a secondary subdivision of the 2nd antenna1 segment.
They have the typical shield-shaped body which is in general longer than
other stink bugs. The head is moderate elongate with round apex. The
juga do not surpassing apex of anteclypeus. Pronotum is strongly hexagonal
with lateral angles obtuse, acute or has the short slender spine. The triangular
scutellum usually constricted towards the apex. Veins on the membrane run
parallel with each others. Upper side of the whole body is covered with
coarse punctations. Legs are long and slender.
- Zebra Gum Tree Shield Bug

- Poecilometis histricus, body length adults 20mm
- We found those bugs easily at Macgregor and Wishart bushland in Brisbane, from late
winter to late summer. This is a medium size stink bug. On the body there are
the coarse dense brownish punctuations patches and lines of chocolate brown on
yellowish brown ground colour. More information and pictures please find in this page.
- Banksia Shield Bug

Poecilometis eximius, body length 20mm
- We found this brown shield bug once during early summer in Alexandra Hill.
It was resting on Banksia leaf. When disturbed, it flew to another Banksia tree
near by. This bug looks similar to the above species except it does not
have the black dot on wings. Click here for
more information.
- Two-dots Shield Bug

- Poecilometis monteithi, body length 20mm
- This is a medium size stink bug with dense brown punctuation dots on
yellow body. Its legs and antenna are orange brown in colour. There is a
black dot on each front wing-covers. The apex of scutellum lightened only at very tip.
Please check this page for more
- Two-dots Gum Tree Shield Bug

- Poecilometis parilis, body length 20mm
- This bugs was found on a Gum Tree trunk alone on mid summer. They are quite
common on the gum tree trunk in Brisbane. More information and pictures please
click on here.
- Common Gum Tree Shield Bug

- Poecilometis patruelis, adult body length nymph 25mm
- Those bug nymph are black and white in colour. The antenna are yellow with dark
end. We found the nymphs in clusters of six to eight under loose bark of a
gum tree. The adults are in shield shape with dark brown and black in
colour. This is the most common stink bug found in Brisbane forests. More information and pictures please click here.
- Brown Shield Bug
- Poecilometis sp., body length nymph 15mm, adult 20mm
- The Shield Bugs are fairy common in Brisbane forest and bushland. Many species
look similar and hard to be identified. They are also known also as stink bugs and produce foul smelling defensive
liquids. More pictures and information on
the Shield Bugs
please chick here.
- Reference:
- 1. Insects
of Australia, CSIRO, Division of Entomology, Melbourne University
Press, 2nd Edition 1991, pp 508.
- 2. Stink
Bugs of Australia - FaunaKeys,
Australian Museum online 2003.
- 3. .
- 4. A revision of the species of Australian and New Guinea shield bugs formerly placed in the genera
Poecilometis Dallas and Eumecopus Dallas (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae), with description of new species and selection of lectotypes.
- Gross, G.F. (1972). Aust. J. Zool. Suppl. Ser. 15: 1-192 (description, revision).
- 5. Poecilometis Dallas, 1851 - Australian Biological Resources Study, 2008.
- 6. Poecilometis Dallas, 1851
- by Gerry Cassis, Emma Betts and Michael Elliott, Stink Bugs, Fauna Net, Australian Museum 2002.
- 7. Plant-feeding and Other Bugs (Hemiptera) of South Australia. Heteroptera-Part II - Gross,
G.F. (1976).
Adelaide: A.B. James.
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