Orange Black Stink Bug


Spined Citrus Bug - Biprorulus bibax

Family Pentatomidae

This page contains pictures and information about Spined Citrus Bugs that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.

Body length 20mm
The adult Spined Citrus Bug is green in colour, with a sharp black spine at each side of its shoulder.  
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The Spined Citrus Bug feeds on the fruits of citrus trees. They make considerable damages on the fruits. 
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We found a few of them on the citrus trees in Brisbane Botanic Garden in summer. On those citrus trees we also found the Bronze Orange Bugs which their nymphs are looked similar.
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5th instars 
The nymph bugs are green and orange with black dots in the earliest stages and mainly green with black dots in the later stages. 

1. Stink Bugs of Australia - FaunaKeys,  Australian Museum online 2003.
2. Plant bugs - Agriculture, NSW Department of Primary Industries, 19 June 1997 (second edition).
3. Citrus in the home garden: common insect pests - Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries, 2005. 


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Last updated: August 12, 2010.