
Longicorn Beetles
Common Eucalypt Longicorn
Eucalypt Longicorn
Wasp-like Longicorn I
Wasp-like Longicorn II
Wasp-like Longicorn III 
Other Tribes
Large Brown Longicorn
One-banded Longicorn
Decora Longicorn
Flower Longicorn
Ant-mimicking Longicorn
Bamboo Tiger Longicorn
Lycid-mimicking Beetle
Fig Longicorn
Sheep Longicorn
Black Small Acacia Longicorn
Motley Small Acacia Longicorn
She-Oak Longicorn
Tea-tree Longicorn
Dark Brown Longicorn
Green Longicorn Beetle
Acacia Longicorn I
Acacia Longicorn II
Other Tribe 
Double-coned Longicorn 
Small Longicorn Beetle
Fern Longicorn Beetle
Unidentified Longicorn


Tribe Hesthesini - Wasp-like Longicorn Beetles


This page contains pictures and information about Longicorn Beetles in tribe Hesthesini that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.
Longicorn Beetles in in tribe Hesthesini mimics wasps (Eumeninae ) to gain protection. Besides their colours and body shape, those beetles move like wasp too. The beetles can be found feeding on flowers. Larvae related with Eucalyptus and Leptospermum

Wasp-like Longicorn Beetle I
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Hesthesis variegata or Hesthesis bizonata, body length 20mm
This Longicorn Beetle mimics a wasp to gain protection. Besides its colours and body shape, the beetle moves like a wasp too. More pictures and information please click on here.
Wasp-like Longicorn Beetle II
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Hesthesis ferruginea, body length 20mm 
To mimic a wasp, it has the very short elytra, or wing cover. There are the orange-yellow bands on its abdomen. We found this beetle once in Ford Road Conservation Area on Feb 2011. Please check this page for more information.
Wasp-like Longicorn Beetle III
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Hesthesis angulatus, body length 20mm
We found this longicorn beetle once on Venman Circuit near Tingalpa Creek. The beetle was resting leaves of a medium size She-oak Tree. Please check this page for more information.
1. Insects of Australia, CSIRO, Division of Entomology, Melbourne University Press, 2nd Edition 1991, p 673.
2. A guide to the Genera of Beetles of South Australia Part.7 - Matthews, E.G. & Reid C.A.M.Adelaide, Eureca Corporate Group. 1997, p 13.
3. Hesthesis - Atlas of Living Australia, 2012. 
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Last updated: May 06, 2012.