
Longicorn Beetles
Common Eucalypt Longicorn
Eucalypt Longicorn
Wasp-like Longicorn I
Wasp-like Longicorn II
Wasp-like Longicorn III 
Other Tribes
Large Brown Longicorn
One-banded Longicorn
Decora Longicorn
Flower Longicorn
Ant-mimicking Longicorn
Bamboo Tiger Longicorn
Lycid-mimicking Beetle
Fig Longicorn
Sheep Longicorn
Black Small Acacia Longicorn
Motley Small Acacia Longicorn
She-Oak Longicorn
Tea-tree Longicorn
Dark Brown Longicorn
Green Longicorn Beetle
Acacia Longicorn I
Acacia Longicorn II
Other Tribe 
Double-coned Longicorn 
Small Longicorn Beetle
Fern Longicorn Beetle
Unidentified Longicorn


Longicorn Beetles - Subfamily Cerambycinae


This page contains pictures and information about Longicorn Beetles of subfamily Cerambycinae that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.
Longicorn Beetles in subfamily Cerambycinae can be distinguished by the head prognathous (with jaws forwards). Most of them have slender body. Many Cerambycinae species prefer Eucalyptus and other native plants.

Large Brown Longicorn Beetle
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Xystrocera virescens, tribe Methiini, body length 65mm
We found this Large Brown Longicorn Beetle outside our office. We believed that it was there attacked by the fluorescent lamp. Every morning we found many small moths there. Only saw the beetle there once. Please check this page for more infromation.  

Tribe Phoracanthini - Eucalypt Longicorn Beetles

Longicorn Beetles in Tribe Phoracanthini are Australian native. The Larvae feed and live inside wood of Eucalyptus trees. They became a major pest of Eucalyptus plantations through out the world.  
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Tribe Hesthesini - Wasp-like Longicorn Beetles

Longicorn Beetles in in tribe Hesthesini mimics wasps (Eumeninae ) to gain protection. Besides their colours and body shape, those beetles move like wasp too. The beetles can be found feeding on flowers. Larvae related with Eucalyptus and Leptospermum
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One-banded Longicorn Beetle
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Obrida fascialis, tribe Pytheini, body length 15mm
Pictures taken on Dec 2005 in Karawatha Forest. We found this beetle once on mat-rush. Please also check this page for more information.

Decora Longicorn Beetle
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Amphirhoe decora, tribe Rhopalophorini, body length 20mm
This Longicorn Beetle has all femurs thickened. Its antennae are three times of its body length. It is brown to dark brown in colour. There is a white line on each wings cover. We saw it first time when it was resting on a Acacia leaf. Later in mid-summer, we also saw the beetle rested on gum leaf and Wild Tobacco leaf. More information and pictures please also visit this page.

Flower Longicorn Beetle, Tiger Longicorn Beetle
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Aridaeus thoracicus, tribe Heteropsini, body length 20mm
This Beetle was first found near Wishart Outlook among the Citrus tree leaf. Notice its notched eyes and its antenna arising within the notch. Its forewings are bright orange-brown in colour with black pattern. Those pattern mimic the abdomen and 'waist' of a wasp. More information and pictures on this page.

Ant-mimicking Longicorn Beetle
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? Ochrya coaretata,  body length 20mm
We saw this Ant-mimicking Longicorn Beetle once in Karawatha Forest during early summer. It was a cloudy day. The beetle was resting on a leaf until we disturbed it. It then slowing walked away. We have more pictures and information in this page.

Bamboo Tiger Longicorn Beetle
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Chlorophorus annularis, tribe Clytini, body length 20mm
We found this beetle Karawatha Forest on early summer Oct 2008. This beetle is not native in Australia but common as minor pest of Bamboo in Asia, although we did not notice any bamboo near by in the found area. Please check this page for more information.

Lycid-mimicking Beetle
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? Aphiorhynchus sp., Calliprasonini, body length 20mm
The beetle about to fly away. We can see its hind wings which are normally folded under the forewings cover. Beetles only use their hind wings for flying. The harden forewings are used as the protection to their hind wings and abdomen. When fly, the forewings are just open and have no or very minor aero-dynamic effect. 

1. Insects of Australia, CSIRO, Division of Entomology, Melbourne University Press, 2nd Edition 1991, p 673.
2. A guide to the Genera of Beetles of South Australia Part.7 - Matthews, E.G. & Reid C.A.M.Adelaide, Eureca Corporate Group. 1997, p 9.
3. Cerambycidae, subfamily Cerambycinae - lifeunseen.com, by Nick Monaghan. 

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Last updated: May 06, 2012.