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Pyrgomorphs - Family Pyrgomorphidae
- This page contains pictures and information about Pyrgomorphs in Family Pyrgomorphidae
that we found in the
Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.

- This family is very close related with the Family ACRIDIDAE
and sometimes put under ACRIDIDAE as the subfamily Pyrgomorphinae.
- Member in this family have a cone-shaped head. Usually they hide on grasses, not quite jump or
fly. Some of them (Tribe Atractomorphini and Psednurini) are green in colour and protected by the camouflage colour
while others (Tribe Monistrini) have bright warning colours. They have short antenna and stout
body. They feed on leaves and most species feed on wide range of
- There is a single subfamily (Pyrgomorphinae) in this family which contains
five tribes. We found species in three tribes in Brisbane.
Tribe Monistrini - Black Pyrgimorph
- This is the largest tribe of Pyrgomorphs. Most of them are short-winged,
although long-wings form can sometimes be found. They are usually very
colourful. However, we have only one species found in Brisbane and which is
black and creamy white in colour.
- Common Pyrgomorph
- Monistria discrepans, body length 30mm
- Common Pyrgomorph adults have reduced wings and flightless, but long-longed form can
sometimes be found. From the
reference information their habitats are dry area include the dry sclerophyll forest.
They feed on leaves of board range of plants. Please check this page
for more information.
Tribe Psednurini - Psednura
- This is a small Tribe. Pyrgimorphs in this tribe have cylindrical or stem-like body.
Adults have reduced wings and flightless. The front two pairs of legs are
short and tiny. They are usually found rest on upstanding grasses or
- Musgrave's Psednura
- Psednura musgravei, female, body length 50mm, male, 30mm
- This Pyrgimorph can be found on grasses and sedges. Its stem-like and
slender body make them camouflage well when they are hiding within grasses.
They rest with head upwards, holding the grass stem with the front two pairs
of tiny short legs. We have more information about them in this page.
Tribe Atractomorphini - Grass Pyrgimorph
- There are three species in one single genus in this tribe. In Brisbane two
species can be found. Grasshoppers in this tribe are green in colour. Adults are fully
- Green Grass Pyrgimorph

- Female and male, length 40mm and 30mm, green form and brown forms, nymph
- This grasshopper is also known as Vegetable Grasshopper. They are
common in Brisbane and easily found on grasses and
other garden plants. They are medium size and grass-green in colour. The insects
above could be Atractomorpha similis or A. australis. Both
species look very similar and can be found in Brisbane. Please check this page
for more details.
- Reference:
- 1. Insects
of Australia, CSIRO, Division of Entomology, Melbourne University
Press, 2nd Edition 1991, p388.
- 2. Grasshopper
Country - the Abundant Orthopteroid Insects of Australia, D Rentz,
UNSW Press, 1996, p169.
- 3. A Guide to Australian Grasshoppers and Locusts - DCF
Rentz, RC Lewis, YN Su and MS Upton, 2003.
- 4. A revision of the Psednurini (Orthoptera : Pyrogomorphidae) - KHL Key, 1972, Australian Journal of Zoology Supplementary Series 20 (14) 1 - 72.
- 5. A Revision of the Australian Atractomorphini - KHL Key and DK McE.Kevan, 1980, Australian Journal of Zoology 28 (6) 717 - 773.
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