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- This page contains pictures and information about Green-body Matchstick Grasshoppers that we found in the
Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.

- Female, body length 40mm
- This Matchstick has the relatively long and straight antenna, with 14-16 segments (12-13 preorganal and 1.5-3 postorganal articles).
Antennal top surface with a longitudinal ridge sulcate over most of its length.
- We first found this Matchstick on March 2005.
- The grasshopper was found hiding among the leaves of a small Dogwood
tree in Alexandra Hill during late summer. It was hard to be seen
for its body shape and colour match completely with the Dogwood leaves.

- Jacksonia scoparia, family Fabaceae

Above pictures were taken on Feb 2010, Anstead Forest.

- Nymph
- This Morabine Grasshopper is found in Karawatha Forest mid summer. It is
quite difficult to tell them apart from the Giant Green
Slantface Grasshopper nymph.
- Reference:
- 1. A generic and suprageneric classificatin of the Morabinae (Orthoptera : Eumastacidae), with description of the type species and a bibliography of the subfamily -
K.H.L. Key, 1976, Australian Journal of Zoology Supplementary Series 24 (37) 1 - 185.
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