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- This page contains pictures and information about Brown-striped Matchstick Grasshoppers
that we found in the
Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.

- Female, body length 40mm
- This Matchstick has pale brown strips pattern along the body. This species
can be found on shrubs or grasses. This Matchstick Grasshopper has the
slender and smooth body. Male has the very long cultriform "tail".

- Male
- Picture were taken in Anstead Forest on Oct 2010
- We recognized the ID of this Matchstick by the shape of its cercus at the
end of male body and its antenna. It has the antenna with 15-16 segments (12-13 preorganal and 1.5-3 postorgana1 articles).

- Pictures were taken in Anstead Forest on mar 2009.
- Reference:
- 1. A generic and suprageneric classificatin of the Morabinae (Orthoptera : Eumastacidae), with description of the type species and a bibliography of the subfamily -
K.H.L. Key, 1976, Australian Journal of Zoology Supplementary Series 24 (37) 1 - 185.
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