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Family Lauxaniidae
- This page contains pictures and information about Treehopper
Mimicking Flies that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.

- Body length 6mm
- Pictures were taken at Macgregor Bushland during mid summer. This fly looks
like a Treehopper.
It is hard to understand what is the advantage of mimicking
a Treehopper.

- Then we learnt that some insects mimic others because of their
fast speed of escape. Predators do not border to hunt them because
predators expected those fast moving insects are too hard to capture. This could be the reason of
mimicking treehopper.

- We sometimes find them in our backyard during mid summer. This fly
usually found resting on large green leaves.
- The fly has a blunt long cone shaped face with a black spot and longitudinal
stripes. All femora are dark brown to black in colour. Other parts of legs are
pale colours.
- Reference:
- 1. Flies
- family Lauxaniidae - lifeunseen.com,
by Nick Monaghan
- 2. On
the Fly, The Interactive Atlas and Key to Australian Fly Families CD Rom
- Hamilton, J. et al. 2006. Brisbane : CBIT & ABRS.
- 3. Australian Lauxaniid Flies - SP Kim, Revision of the Australian Species of Homoneura van der Wulp, Trypetisoma Malloch, and Allied Genera (Diptera : Lauxaniidae), CSIRO Entomology,
1994, Fig.2, p36.
[ Up ] [ Treehopper Mimicking Fly ] [ Dotted-Wing Lauxaniid Fly ] [ Black Lauxaniid Fly ] [ Long-antenna Lauxaniid Fly ] [ Orange Lauxaniid Fly ] [ Orange Lauxaniid Fly II ] [ Orange-blue Lauxaniid Fly I ] [ Orange-blue Lauxaniid Fly II ]
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