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Family Platystomatidae
- This page contains pictures and information about Boatman
Flies that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.

- Body length 5mm
- This fly, when walking, swings it wings like someone swinging the paddles
when rowing a boat. We believed this is why they are called Boatman Fly. Those
characteristic movements are often seen in this species although they can be
seen in other Signal Fly species as well.

- This fly is small in size, walk with wing open and has the narrowed waist.
We believed this fly mimic ant.
One thing interesting is that another ant-mimicking fly, the Ant
Fly, is also walk with wings open.

- We took those photos in Mt Coot-tha Botanic Garden on Oct 2009.
- Reference:
- 1. On the fly [CD] : the interactive atlas and key to Australian fly families - Joanna Hamilton ..., Australian Biological Resources Study 2006.
- 2. Review of the Australasian Genera of Signal Flies (Diptera: Platystomatidae) - DAVID K. MCALPINE, Records of the Australian Museum 53(2): 113–199,
[ Up ] [ Orange-blue Signal Fly ] [ Orange-green Signal Fly ] [ Green Signal Fly ] [ Boatman Fly ] [ Brown Banded Signal Fly I ] [ Brown-banded Signal Fly II ] [ Black Banded Signal Fly ]
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