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Family Lauxaniidae
- This page contains pictures and information about Dotted-Wing Lauxaniid Flies that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.

- Body length 6mm
- This Dotted-Wing Lauxaniid Fly is quite common in
Brisbane bushes and backyards.

- Homoneura is a large genus. Flies in genus Homoneura have
dotted pattern wings and pale brown to pale orange in colours. They may look
very similar.


- We found this fly resting on the leaves of the plum tree in our backyard
during Dec 2010.

- Reference:
- 1. Lauxaniidae (Lauxaniid Flies) - Save Our Waterways Now, 2008.
- 2. Insects
of Australia - CSIRO, Division of Entomology, Melbourne University
Press, 2nd Edition 1991, p773, Fig.39.30G.
- 3. Australian Lauxaniid Flies - SP Kim, Revision of the Australian Species of Homoneura van der Wulp, Trypetisoma Malloch, and Allied Genera (Diptera : Lauxaniidae), CSIRO Entomology,
[ Up ] [ Treehopper Mimicking Fly ] [ Dotted-Wing Lauxaniid Fly ] [ Black Lauxaniid Fly ] [ Long-antenna Lauxaniid Fly ] [ Orange Lauxaniid Fly ] [ Orange Lauxaniid Fly II ] [ Orange-blue Lauxaniid Fly I ] [ Orange-blue Lauxaniid Fly II ]
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