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Family Platystomatidae
- This page contains pictures and information about Green Signal
Flies that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.

- Body length 8mm
- Abdomen and thorax of this fly are metallic green, with red eyes on black
head. Wings are patterned with black spots, leading edge and wing base are
pale orange. Legs are also pale orange in colour.

- This Signal Fly is known to be attracted to fresh dung.

- We found this fly in Mt Coot-tha in late summer March 2008.

- Also found this fly in Ford Road Conservation Area on Feb 2011.
- Reference:
- 1.
Insects of Australia and New Zealand - R. J. Tillyard, Angus &
Robertson, Ltd, Sydney, 1926, p371, plate 20.27.
- 2.
sp. - David McClenaghan, 2004, Tree
of Life.
- 3. Wildlife
of Greater Brisbane - New edition, Published by Queensland
Museum 2007, p137.
- 4. The Australian Platystomatidae (Diptera, Schizophora) with a revision of five genera -
McAlpine, D.K., 1972, The Australian Museum, p53.
[ Up ] [ Orange-blue Signal Fly ] [ Orange-green Signal Fly ] [ Green Signal Fly ] [ Boatman Fly ] [ Brown Banded Signal Fly I ] [ Brown-banded Signal Fly II ] [ Black Banded Signal Fly ]
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