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Subfamily Chrysomelinae, FAMILY CHRYSOMELIDAE
This page contains pictures and information about Paropsine
Leaf beetles of Genus Paropsis that we found in the Brisbane area,
Queensland, Australia.

- Female lay eggs
- Paropsis species vary in size and colour, many are brightly
coloured, with intricate patterns on the wing covers. They are medium size,
around 10mm in body length. Most of them, both adults
and larvae, feed on Myrtaceae, mostly on Gum tree (Eucalyptus),
also on Red Ash (Angophora),
Tea tree (Leptospermum), Box
tree (Lophostemon) and Paper Back (Melaleuca). They are often called the
Eucalypt Tortoise Beetles. Some species are considered as pests in
eucalypt plantations.
- Empty egg-case of some Paropsis sp.
- Paropsis females lay eggs in clusters of different shape
depend on species. Larvae are in the shape of caterpillar, grow up to 10-15mm.
- Variole Paropsine Beetle
- Paropsis variolosa, body length 12mm
- Those
beetle adults and larvae feed on Eucalyptus tree leaves. They are beautiful brown colour with
yellow dots, round convex in shape. We found them easily in bush on the young Eucalyptus tree.
Usually they hide under the leaves. More information and pictures can be find
in here.
- Spotted Paropsine Beetle

- Paropsis maculata, body length adult 8mm,
larva 6mm
- This
Leaf Beetle are commonly found on young Eucalyptus trees in Brisbane
forests, from late spring to summer. They have golden yellow patterns on brown
colour. More information and pictures can be find
in here.
- Dotted Paropsine Beetle
- Paropsis atomaria, body length 10mm
- We sometimes saw this beetle on gum leaf in Karawatha Forest during mid summer.
More pictures and information please visit this page.
- Dotted-lines Paropsine Beetle
- Paropsis ornata, body length 10mm
- We found this Leaf Beetle twice, one on Acacia and the other on Eucalyptus.
The beetles were shiny bright, golden brown with dotted creamy-white lines on
the back. Please click on here for more
- Red-blue Banded Leaf Beetle
- Paropsis
obsoleta, body length 10mm
- We found this leaf beetle in
Karawatha Forest a few times during mid summer Nov-Dec 2007. We have more
pictures and information in this page.
- Tea
Tree Leaf Beetle
 - Paropsis pictipennis
(Procrisina pictipennis), body length 10mm
- We found this leaf beetle hiding on Tea Tree on Sep 2010 in Karawatha
Forest near the Lagoon. Please check this page
for more infromation.
- Those Leaf Beetle larvae are quite commonly found but still we do not know
what are the adults look like.
- Unknown Leaf Beetle Larvae 1

- ? sp, body length 12mm
- Unknown Leaf Beetle Larvae 2
- ? sp, body length 12mm
- Reference:
- 1. A taxonomic revision of the Australian Chrysomelinae, with a key to the genera (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) - Reid,
C.A.M., Zootaxa 1292, 2006.
- 2. Leaf beetles (Paropsines) - S. A. Lawson and J. King, Department of Primary Industries and Fisheries, Queensland, 2006.
- 3. eucalyptus tortoise beetle
Paropsis spp. - PaDIL, Pest and Diseases Image Library, 2007.
- 4. Paropsis Olivier, 1807 - Australian Biological Resources Study, Department of the Environment and Heritage, Australia 2005.
- 5. Key to the Chrysomelinae of New South Wales - FaunaNet, Australian Museum, 2003.
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