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This page contains information and pictures about Green Strip Leaf Beetles
that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.
- Body length 10mm
- We sometimes find this green leaf beetle in Alexandra Hill and Karawatha
Forest during mid summer. They usually are wandering on a young Acacia tree.
- Although it is brightly green in
colour, when it hides on a Acacia leaf in the shade, it is hardly be
- It is a slow moving insects. After we took a few pictures, it slowly
walked to the leaf edge and flied to another young Acacia tree a couple of
meters away.
- Here we would like to thank Nick Monaghan of lifeunseen.com
on helping to identify this species.
Feigning Death
- The 'play dead' trick is quite common in the insects world. We saw at least
some bugs, stick
insects and caterpillars
will do this when facing with danger. This trick sometimes work because some
predators do not eat dead or motionless prey.
- When disturbed, this leaf beetle dropped onto the ground and play dead.
After a while it slowly walked away and found some places to hide.
- We have more information about insects Feigning Death Behaviour in
this page.
The Host Plant
- Black Wattle
- Acacia leiocalyx
- This beetle was found alone on young Black Wattle trees. Black Wattles
are one of the most common trees in Brisbane's Eucalypt forest and bushland.
We did not notice any damage was done by this beetle to the host plant.
- Thank to Chris
Reid for the identification of this leaf beetle.
- Reference:
- 1. Calomela
pallida - lifeunseen.com by Nick Monaghan, 2007.
- 2. Calomela
pallida - Botanic Gardens Trust.
- 3. A Reappraisal of the Australian Species of the Genus Calomela Hope (Coleoptera : Chrysomelidae) - B. J.
Selman, Australian Journal of Zoology 27(4) 561 - 584
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