Pyralid Moths 
Figs Pyralid Moth
Yellow-brown Pyralid Moth
Yellow-red Pyralid Moth
Gragaloo Pyralid Moth
Grass Caterpillar
Brown-yellow Pyralid Moth
Beet Webworm 
Tree Lucerne Moth 
Bird-Dropping Pyralid Moth 


Bird-dropping Pyralid Moth - Orthaga seminivea 

Family Pyralidae

This page contains pictures and information about Bird-dropping Pyralid Moths that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.
Body length 25mm 
We found this moth outside our house a few times. 
DSCN6212.jpg (225273 bytes) DSCN6213.jpg (284007 bytes) DSCN6208.jpg (257572 bytes)
Pictures taken outside our house during mid summer. This moth is black and white in colours, mimics bird-dropping
The Caterpillars live in a shelter of host plant leaves joined by silk.

1. Orthaga seminivea (Warren, 1895) - Don Herbison-Evans & Stella Crossley.  
2. Moths - family Pyralidae - lifeunseen.com by Nick Monaghan.
3. A Guide to Australian Moths - Paul Zborowski, Ted Edwards, CSIRO PUBLISHING, 2007, p127. 
4. Moths of Australia - I. F. B. Common, Melbourne University Press, 1990, p348, Fig31.14.


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Last updated: August 18, 2011.