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Family Crambidae
- This page contains pictures and information about Yellow-Brown Pyralid Moths that we
found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.
- Body length 12mm
- This is a very colourful moth. There are the yellow and brown patterns on
wings. Body is banded with white and yellow and has a brown tip. We found it
once in Karawatha forest Apr 2009. It was resting under gum tree leaf. When
disturbed, it flied and rested under leaf about 10 meter away.
![PC9_0842h.jpg (252616 bytes)](images/PC9_0842h_small.jpg)
- Larvae feed on Blue Tongue Melastoma sp..
- Reference:
- 1. Agrotera basinotata Hampson, 1891
- Australia Caterpillar, by Don Herbison-Evans & Stella Crossley,
- 2. Melastoma affine (MELASTOMATACEA) Blue Tongue, Native Lasiandra - Save Our Waterways Now, 2011.
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