- This page contains pictures and information about Black Gum-leafhoppers in
Tribe Eurymelini that we found in the Brisbane area,
Queensland, Australia.
- Gum-leafhoppers
- The Eurymelini are only found on eucalypts, so
their common name Gum-leafhoppers. They are brightly coloured or predominantly
Genus Eurymela
- Leafhoppers in genus Eurymela have only one spur on hind legs.
- Common Jassid, Large Leaf-treehopper
- Eurymela fenestrata, adult body length
- This Gumtree hopper is brown and violet in colour under sunlight. There
were some white spots on its wings. They are common on young gum trees. More
pictures and information can be found on this page.
Genus Eurymeloides
- We listed different Eurymeloides species below. However, they look very
similar and we may have mixed up their pictures in the following web
pages. Gum-leafhoppers in genus Eurymeloides have 3-5 spurs on hind
- Two-lined Gum-leafhopper
- Eurymeloides bicincta, adult body length 8mm
- Two-lined Gum-leafhoppers are usually found during early summer on small gum
trees. They are black in
colour with two narrow white lines on wings. Their eyes were orange in colour. Their
nymphs are orange brown in colours. More
pictures and information please visit this page.
- Green
- Eurymeloides pulchra, body length 10mm
- This Gum-leafhopper is relatively large in size. Adults were black in
colour with two transverse white lines on wings. The front line is usually
broken into two part. The hind line is narrowly wedge-shaped. The pattern of
the two lines are highly variable. For more details please check this page.
- Mottled-head Gum-leafhopper
- Eurymeloides punctata,
body length 8mm
- The Gum-leafhopper has the head black or brown in colours mottled with white
dots. There are two lines on wing-covers, the
front line is wedge-shaped and the hind line is narrowly across. The
abdomen is yellow-green in colours. Please check this page
for more information.
- Reference:
- 1. Subfamily Eurymelinae, Tribe Eurymelini
- Fletcher, M.J. (2009 and updates). Identification keys and checklists for the leafhoppers, planthoppers and their relatives occurring in Australia and neighbouring areas (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha).
- 2. Insects
of Australia, CSIRO, Division of Entomology, Melbourne University
Press, 2nd Edition 1991, pp 473.
- 3. Forest
Health Sheet Leafhoppers - By Charlma Phillips, Forest Health Scientist,
ForestrySA , Revised June 1992.
- 4. The leafhoppers and froghoppers of Australia and New Zealand (Homoptera: Cicadelloidea and Cercopoidea) - J W Evans, Australian Museum,
1966, p55.
- 5. Northern
Territory Insects, A Comprehensive Guide CD - Graham Brown, 2009.
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