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Family Membracidae
This page contains pictures and information about Brown Horned Treehoppers that we found in
the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.

- Body length 5mm
- The Brown Horned Treehoppers are dark brown to black in colours. They have the pronotum
extended and look
like having two horns.

- From reference information this is the female. Male has the smaller horns
and smaller body size..

- We found this Treehopper in Anstead Forest once on Nov 2011. It was
resting on a weed plant. We looked around and did not find any other
- This Brown Horned Treehoppers is the smallest species in family Membracidae.
- Reference and link:
- 1. The leafhoppers and froghoppers of Australia and New Zealand (Homoptera: Cicadelloidea and Cercopoidea) - J W Evans, Australian Museum,
1966, p285, Fig.43J.
- 2. Genus
Pogonella Evans - Australian Membracidae, by By Murray J. Fletcher and Max F. Day,
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