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Under-bark Jumping Spiders - Family Salticidae
- This page contains pictures and information about Jumping Spiders live
under bark that we
found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.
- Large tree trunk with loose bark provides good living environment and
shelter for small insects. It is the place for flying insects to have a
short rest too. This becomes the good hunting ground for Huntsman
and Jumping Spiders. We found a number of jumping spiders that are specially
adapted to hunt on tree trunk with loose bark. They are brown camouflaged
colours with thin and flat body suitable for fast moving under lose bark and
crack. They include genus Holoplatys, Arasia and Astia.
- Chink Jumping Spider

- Holoplatys sp., body length 12mm
- This is a large Jumping Spider. It hunts on gum tree trunk by jumping down
to prey land on the tree trunk. The spider has a flattened brown abdomen that is an elongate oval shape. More
information and pictures please click on here.
- Under-bark Jumping Spider

- Holoplatys planissima, body length 8mm
- We found this spider under loose gum tree bark in Karawatha Forest Nov 2008.
This spider has dark brown thorax and pale brown abdomen. On abdomen there
are two lines run along. It has the flat body makes it easy to move
under loose bark. It moves quickly with jerky motion. Please check this
page for more information.
- Orange-black Jumping Spider

- We found this spider on gum tree trunk in Karawatha Forest Dec 2010.
This spider has orange thorax and black abdomen. There
are two write lines run along abdomen edge. We believe this spider mimic the
Strobe Ant. Please check this
page for more information.
- Flat-white Jumping Spider

- Arasia mollicoma, body length 6mm
- This spider has a flatten body and long abdomen. It is pale brown in
colour. It was found a few times in Karawatha Forest on gum tree trunk during late
summer. Click on here for more
- Flat-brown Jumping Spider

- ? Astia sp., body length 10mm
- Pictures were taken on Oct 2007 in Karawatha Forest, Dentata Track. This jumping spider
hunts on large smooth bark gum tree trunk. They
build retreat on the tree trunk as well. In Karawatha Forest on later Sep
2009, we found that there were more than 20 young Small Bark Jumper built retreat
on the same tree.
- Invisible Jumping Spider
- ? Astia sp., body length 8mm
- We found this jumping spider in Carbrook Wetland on Jun 2009. This jumper camouflaged
very well on Iron Bark Gum tree trunk. Check this page
for more information.
- Golden Tail Jumper
- Astia hariola, body length
8mm, male Female
- We found this Golden Tail Jumping Spider once in Karawatha Forest on Aug
2007. The spider was hunting on a large smooth bark gum tree trunk. More
pictures and information can be found in this page.
- Reference:
- 1. Holoplatys planissima (L. Koch, 1879) - Salticidae: Diagnostic Drawings Library, by Jerzy Proszynski, 1999
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