
Jumping Spiders
Genus Opisthoncus
Small Garden Jumping Spider
Two-spotted Jumping Spider
Garden Jumping Spider
Biting Jumping Spider
Long-jawed Jumping Spider
Colourful Biting Jumper 
Genus Sandalodes
Double-brush Jumper 
Ludicra Jumping Spider
Flat-white Jumping Spider
Flat-brown Jumping Spider 
Invisible Jumping Spider
Golden Tail Jumper 
Small Brown Jumpers
Salticid Ant Eater
Three-lines Jumper 
Brown Jumper
Black Jumper
Well-dressed Jumper
Other Groups
Small Striped Jumping Spider 
Cytaea Jumping Spider
Aussie Bronze Jumper
Unknown Jumpers


Jumping Spiders - Genus Opisthoncus 

Family Salticidae

This page contains pictures and information about Jumping Spiders in Genus Opisthoncus that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.
We found a number of jumping spiders in this Genus Opisthoncus. All of them are hunters on green leaves. They are from medium to large size, brown, dark-brown to black colours. 

Small Garden Jumping Spider
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Opisthoncus polyphemus, body length 6mm
This is a small jumping spider, with distinct black and white patterns on thorax. This spider is common is Brisbane gardens and backyards. They usually hunting on small shrubs and low trees. Above pictures were taken in our backyard in Eight Mail Plains. Please visit this page for more information on this spider. 
Two-spotted Jumping Spider
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? Opisthoncus sp., body length 6mm 
We found in spider in Sunnybank near  Bulimba Creek on Dec 2007. Please check this page for more information.
Garden Jumping Spider
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Opisthoncus parcedentatus, body length 8mm 
The spider is brown in colour with white pattern on its abdomen and thorax. The spider  hunt actively during day time. The spider is usually found hunting on green leaves. Garden Jumping Spider is common in garden and backyard in Brisbane. Click here for more pictures and information.
Biting Jumping Spider
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Opisthoncus mordax, body length 10mm
We found this jumping spider hunting on leave during day time. It body is shiny black in colour, with a with line on the middle of its abdomen. The first pair of legs are strong and with spines. This Jumping Spider is common in Brisbane gardens and backyards. Click here for more pictures and information.
Long-jawed Jumping Spider
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Opisthoncus sp., body length 10mm
We found this Long-jawed Jumping Spider in Brisbane Botanic Garden on late summer Feb 2005.  Please check this page for more information. 
Colourful Biting Jumper
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? Opisthoncus sp., body length 10mm 
We found this jumping spider in Karawatha Forest She-oak area on Dec 2007. It looks very similar to the Biting Jumper Spider above. Details please check this page

1. A Guide to Australian Spiders - Densey Clyne, Melbourne, Nelson 1969, p51.
2. Spiders - genus Opisthoncus - lifeunseen.com, by Nick Monaghan, 2007.  
3. Salticidae Jumping Spiders - Spiders of Australia, Ed Nieuwenhuys, 2009. 
4. SALTICIDAE Blackwall, 1841 - Australian Biological Resources Study.
5. PREDATORY BEHAVIOR OF JUMPING SPIDERS - R.R. Jackson and S.D. Pollard, Annual Review of Entomology, Vol. 41: 287-308 (January 1996).
6. Australia - List of Species of Salticidae - by Jerzy Proszynski, 1999. 

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Last updated: January 20, 2010.