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- This page contains pictures and information about Ant-mimicking Spiders - Genus
Myrmarachne and Genus Ligonipes that we
found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.
- Ants are the most abundant group
of insects and have powerful defense mechanisms such as acid taste,
aggressive biting, painful sting and group defense. Ants are generally not
subject to predation. They are the ideal models in mimicry rings. Many
insects and spiders have different ways to resemble ants. Check this page
for more about Ant-mimicking.
- In jumping spiders, Myrmarachne, Ligonipes and some
other genus mimic ants. Besides the colours and body shape,
those spiders' behaviour likes an ant too. They continuously waving their
front legs as ants waving their antenna.
However, when disturbed, the spiders ran very fast and jumped as a typical jumping
spider. We also noticed that most jumping spiders did not interact with its
ant model, i.e., did not prey on foraging ants although the walk alongside
with them. They may simply gain protection by mimicking the locally abundant
ant species.
- Golden Ant-mimicking Spider I

- Myrmarachne sp., body length 8mm
- Some jumping spiders mimic ants. They mimic in body shape and colour
patterns. This Golden Ant-mimicking Spider walk like an ant too. The spider hide among ants
without being detected. It waves their front legs just like the ant's
antenna. This spider usually found in a line of ants on a gum tree trunk. For
more information please go to this page.
- Golden Ant-mimicking Spider II

- Myrmarachne sp., body length 8mm
- This one look a bit different than the above species, with a silver bend. It could be different
species. Details please check this page.
- Brown Ant-mimicking Spider

- Myrmarachne striatipes, body length 8mm
- We found this jumping spider once on gum tree trunk. Please check this page
for more information.
- Small Black Ant-mimicking Spider

- Ligonipes semitectus, body length 5mm
- This Jumping Spider just looks like an small black ant. The first picture
shows its retreat. This small jumping spider has relatively strong front arms.
Please visit this page for more information.
- Reference:
- 1. A Guide to Australian Spiders - Densey Clyne, Melbourne, Nelson
1969, p51.
- 2. Spiders - genus
- lifeunseen.com,
by Nick Monaghan, 2007.
- R.R. Jackson and S.D. Pollard, Annual Review of Entomology, Vol. 41: 287-308 (January 1996).
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