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- This page contains pictures and information about Small Brown Jumping Spiders that we
found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.
- We found quite a number jumping spider species which are small in
size (4-6mm body length), with short and round abdomen and brown to dark
brown in colours. They are usually actively hunting on tree trunks or on
forest floor. We group them together in this page. They include the Zenodorus,
Simaetha, Simaethula and Servaea species.
- Salticid Ant Eater

- Zenodorus orbiculatus, body length 6mm
- We can easily find this small Jumping Spiders on smooth bark gum and wattle tree trunks.
The spider shiny black or dark brown, with a white line circle the edge of
its abdomen. Some with a white dot at the center. We found the spiders
usually feeding on different species of ants. More information and pictures please visit this page.
- Three-lines Jumper

- ? Zenodorus sp., body length 4mm
- We found this small jumping spider in Carbrook Wetland on Sep 2009. The
small spider is black in colour. There are one vertical white line on thorax
and two horizontal white lines on its abdomen. Check this page
for more information.
- Brown Jumper

- ? Simaetha thoracica, body length 6mm
- We sometimes find this jumping spider hunting on wattle leaves and stems
in eucalypt forest. More pictures and information can be found in this page.
- Black Jumper
- Simaethula sp., body length 4mm
- We found this Black Jumper wandering on forest floor in Daisy Hill on Sep 2007. Please
check this page for more information.
- Well-dressed Jumper
- Servaea validus (former Plexippus validus)body length 5mm
- We sometimes found this jumping spider wandering on gum tree trunks. It
hide under bark when we come closer. More
information and pictures can be found in this page.
- Reference:
- 1. A Guide to Australian Spiders - Densey Clyne, Melbourne, Nelson
1969, p51.
Blackwall, 1841 - Australian Biological Resources Study.
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