| | Lemon
Migrant - Catopsilia pomona
This page contains information and pictures about Lemon
Migrant Butterflies in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.
- Wingspan 70mm
- This is a common butterfly in Brisbane. In a sunny summer day, if you see a medium size lemon
colour butterfly that fly pass by, it is most likely a Lemon Migrant. If you
wait for a few seconds, there usually will be another Lemon Migrant fly pass,
on the same path and heading to the south. They usually flies two to three
meters above the ground.

- Their wings colour are vary from yellow to creamy
white, with dark margins. Their caterpillars are well camouflaged green colour
with creamy white lines alone each side. Caterpillars feed on Golden Rain Cassia
fistula and other native Cassia.

- After evening, the butterfly usually hides under the board leaf near the
tree top, and hardly noticed.


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