

Common Jezabel - Delias nigrina


This page contains information and pictures about Common Jezabel Butterflies in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia. They also known as Black Jezabel.

Wingspan 65mm
Common Jezabel is common in Brisbane. However, they only rest high on the tree top. It is hard to get close to have the closer look and take photos. 
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Common Jezabel is usually seen flying high around top of the trees. The caterpillar feeds on Mistletoes, a kind of semi-parasitic plants.  
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The female and male Common Jezabel look a little bit different. The upper side of the males are white with black wingtips pattern while the female with larger area of black.  On the underneath male and female look similar, there are yellow and red strips on black background. 
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We found two pupas of this butterfly but they were parasite by Chalcid Wasp

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On Aug 2010, a sunny winter day, we found two Common Jezabel Butterflies feeding in the Citrus flowers in Brisbane Botanic Garden.  
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1. Create More Butterflies -  by Frank Jordan and Helen Schwencke, Earthling Enterprises, 2005, p8.
2. Australian Tropical Butterflies - By Peter Valentine, Clifford Frith (photos), Dawn Frith (photos), 1991, p8.
3. The Complete Field Guide to Butterflies of Australia - Michael F Braby, Australian National University, CSIRO 2004, p136. 


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Last updated: August 22, 2010.