| | Caper White
Butterfly - Belenois java (former Anaphaeis java)
This page contains information and pictures about Caper White Butterflies in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.
- Male, wingspan 60mm
- Caper White is known one of the migratory species. Females are a bit
larger than the male and have wider black borders on wings. Caterpillars feed
exclusively on species of caper bushes Capparis.

- In a very hot late summer day, it was 41 degree C in Brisbane. We were
sitting in the shade in our front yard. We saw this beautiful Copper White
butterfly coming to visit us. I quickly got the camera and took those




- Each year we saw many of them passing the Brisbane
city and bushes on November. They maintain a rapid flight about two to three
meters above the ground during the day, just kept the flowing for a few
- Reference:
- 1. Create
More Butterflies - by Frank Jordan and Helen Schwencke,
Earthling Enterprises, 2005, p8.
- 2. Australian Tropical Butterflies - By Peter Valentine, Clifford
Frith (photos), Dawn
Frith (photos), 1991, p8.
- 3. Caper White Butterfly Fact Sheet - Australian Museum, 2003.
- 4. Belenois java (Linnaeus, 1768)
- Don Herbison-Evans, Stella Crossley & Valda Dedman, 2007.
- 5. The Complete
Field Guide to Butterflies of Australia - Michael F Braby,
Australian National University, CSIRO 2004, p142.
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