

Caper White Butterfly - Belenois java (former Anaphaeis java)


This page contains information and pictures about Caper White Butterflies in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.

Male, wingspan 60mm
Caper White is known one of the migratory species. Females are a bit larger than the male and have wider black borders on wings. Caterpillars feed exclusively on species of caper bushes Capparis.
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In a very hot late summer day, it was 41 degree C in Brisbane. We were sitting in the shade in our front yard. We saw this beautiful Copper White butterfly coming to visit us. I quickly got the camera and took those pictures. 
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Each year we saw many of them passing the Brisbane city and bushes on November. They maintain a rapid flight about two to three meters above the ground during the day, just kept the flowing for a few days.
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1. Create More Butterflies -  by Frank Jordan and Helen Schwencke, Earthling Enterprises, 2005, p8.
2. Australian Tropical Butterflies - By Peter Valentine, Clifford Frith (photos), Dawn Frith (photos), 1991, p8.
3. Caper White Butterfly Fact Sheet - Australian Museum, 2003. 
4. Belenois java (Linnaeus, 1768) - Don Herbison-Evans, Stella Crossley & Valda Dedman, 2007. 
5. The Complete Field Guide to Butterflies of Australia - Michael F Braby, Australian National University, CSIRO 2004, p142. 


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Last updated: June 22, 2010.