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This page contains pictures and information about Warp-around Spiders that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.
- Body length 15mm

- Photo: Kevin
McCready, New South Wales
- When this spider rests on a brown twig as it normally does,
it is very hard to be noticed. This afternoon it (above picture) made a mistake to rest on a
green leaf so we easily found it.


- The Warp-around spiders are so called
because of their concave abdomen curved in such a way that when the spider
rests on a twig, it fits well and wrap around the twig.

- The spiders are grey to brown
in colour and rest during the day. They build large vertical orb web at night.

- Reference:
- 1. A Guide to Australian Spiders - Densey Clyne, Melbourne, Nelson
1969, p68.
- 2. Dolophones
conifera - The
Find-a-spider Guide for Australian Spiders, University of Southern
Queensland, 2007.
- 4. Australian Spiders in colour - Ramon Mascord, Reed Books Pty
Ltd, 1970, p94.
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