Scientific Facts
Web building

Orb Web Weavers


Golden Orb-Weaver 1
Golden Orb-Weaver 2 
Diamond Comb-footed
Platform Comb-footed 

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Neon Spider - Thwaitesia nigronodosa

Family Theridiidae

This page contains pictures and information about Neon Spiders that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.
Leg to leg 30mm 
"This bright little Theridiid has an almost phosphorescent glow which has given it the common name of Neon Spider." Densey Clyne's words (reference 1).
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This spider builds tangled web on top on medium size green leaf. The spider has large silver abdomen with brown-red patterns. On the top there are four black dots, it seems it is mimicking the head of larger spider species.
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We sometimes found this spider in the Eucalypt forests including Alexandra Hill of Brisbane.
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1. A Guide to Australian Spiders - Densey Clyne, Melbourne, Nelson 1969, p124. 
2. Thwaitesia nigronodosa - The Find-a-spider Guide for the Spiders of Southern Queensland, Dr Ron Atkinson, 2009. 
3. Thwaitesia spp. - Robert Whyte, Save Our Waterways Now. 

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Last updated: May 16, 2010.