Scientific Facts
Web building

Orb Web Weavers


Golden Orb-Weaver 1
Golden Orb-Weaver 2 
Diamond Comb-footed
Platform Comb-footed 

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Brown Long-jawed Spider - Tetragnatha nitens

This page contains pictures and information about Brown Long-jawed Spiders that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.

Body length 20mm 
The spider is brown in colour, with very long and thin legs. The body is long and narrow. 
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They are usually found next to fresh water, such as creek and pond. They build inclined web at night and hide on grass during the day.
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The above pictures show the mating complex. Pictures were taken in later summer.   

1. Long-jawed spider - The Find-a-spider Guide for the Spiders of Southern Queensland, Dr Ron Atkinson, 2009.
2. A Guide to Australian Spiders - Densey Clyne, Melbourne, Nelson 1969, p72. 

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Last updated: November 16, 2009.