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This page contains information about Fallen Bark Lopper Moths that we found in
the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.

- Female wingspan 60mm
- The
Fallen Bark Lopper caterpillars
feed on gum tree leaves. On Feb 2004, we found the caterpillar on gum tree trunk near the ground
in Wishart bushland during late summer. The caterpillar was brown in
colour, hiding among the fallen barks and resembled one of them.
- Caterpillar 60mm
- From reference infromation the caterpillar feeds on Eucalyptus and Lophostemon.

- Pupa
- We took the caterpillar home. A day later the caterpillar turned into
a pupa. It pupated at a bottom corner of the container. We waited to see what
the moth would be. We waited.... and waited.....

- Male
- Over a year later on Apr 2005, we finally saw the moth. It was in the morning, the
moth must have came out during the night.
- The moth was a male with bipectinate antennae. . It was pale brown in colour,
with a black line across both forewings. There are some black dots on both
side of the line. The hind wings are yellow-orange and black in colours. covered by
forewings when rest. Underneath each forewing has a dark blotch on pale
- We took a few pictures and let go the moth from our back yard.

- Female
- We found the female in Eucalypt forest a few times. They were found resting
on tree trunk or on dry leaves.

- The moth has the stout-body and greyish-brown in colours. There are the
black dots and lines patterns on bright yellow colour on hind wings, covered
by forewings when rest.



- Reference:
- 1. Gastrophora
Guenee, 1857 - Don Herbison-Evans & Stella Crossley, 2008.
- 2. Moths
of Australia - I. F. B. Common, Melbourne University Press,
1990, p368, Pl.10.2, 26.12.
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