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- This page contains pictures and information about Moths and Caterpillars in
subfamily Ennominae that we found in the Brisbane
area, Queensland, Australia.

- Twig Caterpillar
- Ennominae is the largest subfamily in Geometridae.
- Most Caterpillars in
this subfamily are resemblance to dead twigs or other parts of their food
plants. Although most caterpillars in family
Geometridae have only two pairs of prolegs,
caterpillars in this subfamily may have up to four pair of prolegs.
- The adult moths are active at night. Most of then are mottled grey or dark brown in
colours, with transverse lines across on both wings. There are some mottled on
the fore wings only.
- Bracken Fern Geometrid Moth

- Idiodes apicata, body length 15mm
- This is a very variable species with or without small spots and with or
without an oblique line from the apex of fore wing to the inner margin of
hind wing. Their looper caterpillars have only 4 prolegs. They are brown in colour with light and dark markings.
They feed on Bracken Fern Pteridium esculentum. Please check this page
for more information.
- Dry Leaf Geometrid Moth

- ? Idiodes siculoides, body length 15mm
- The moth was found resting on forest floor. It was hard to be seen for its
camouflaged dry leaf colours. Both moths were found in Karawatha Forest on July 2007.
Please check this page for more information.
- Bark Looper Moth

- Ectropis subtinctaria, wingspan 40mm
- Picture taken in Karawatha Forest on Nov 2006. This moth was hiding under leaf during the day.
Also found resting outside our
window at night on Nov 2007. Their caterpillars feed on different native plants include Eucalyptus,
Leptospermum, Acacia and Bursaria. Please check this
page for more information.
- Cleora Looper Moth

- Cleora illustraria, wingspan 50mm
- We found this moth rested on our windows in a late summer day. The larva is the typical looper caterpillar form. It is uniformly brown in colour with a smooth but wrinkled skin. Please
check this page for more information.
- Sinister Moth, Brown Looper

- Male wingspan 50mm
Female wingspan 50mm
Caterpillar 50mm
- Pholodes sinistraria
- We found this moth in our backyard. Their caterpillars are are dark green with
white bands between the segments when small. They become brown in later
stages. They feed on different of garden plants and trees in the bush. Click here
for more information.
- Wattle Bark Moth

- ? Scioglyptis sp., wingspan 40mm
- Pictures taken in Alexandra Hill during early winter. The moth was hiding on
the bark of a wattle tree. Its camouflaged colours made it hard to be seen.
Please visit this page for more information.
- Black Looper

- Hyposidra talaca, caterpillar length 20mm
- This Black Looper Caterpillar has only two pairs of prolegs. It is black in
colour with white dots. The moths are brown in colours with pointed wings.
Please check this page for more infromation.
- Unknown Twig Caterpillars

- ? sp., length 20mm
to 40mm
- We
believe all the caterpillars we put in this page
are in
subfamily Ennominae, although we did not find out their ID yet.
- Reference:
- 1. Moths
of Australia - I. F. B. Common, Melbourne University Press,
1990, p359.
- 2. A
Guide to Australian Moths - Paul Zborowski, Ted Edwards, CSIRO
PUBLISHING, 2007, p137.
- 3. Northern
Territory Insects, A Comprehensive Guide CD - Graham Brown, 2009.
- 4. ENNOMINAE in Australia - Don Herbison-Evans & Stella Crossley, 2011.
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