Lycid-mimicking Moth
Grey Bark Moth
Leaf-case Moths
Wattle Concealer Moth
Banded Concealer Moth I
Banded Concealer Moth II 
Purple Banded Concealer I
Purple-banded Concealer II
Banded Concealer Moth III 
Tube Concealer Moth
Tunnel Concealer Moth 
Banded Concealer Moth IV
Concealer Moth Caterpillars
Banded Timber Moth
Gum Tree Borer Moth
White Timber Moth I
Mottled Timber Moth
Bark Timber Moth
White Timber Moth II
Timber Moth Caterpillars 
Small Grey Moth
Small Banded Moth
Narrow-winged Moth 
Gelechid Moth 
Long-horned Moth
Unknown in this Group


Tube Concealer Moth - Hemibela sp.

Family Oecophoridae

This page contains information and pictures about Tube Concealer Moths that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.

Body length 10mm
Adult moths in this genus of different species are small size, about 10mm of wing span, often brown, yellow with red or white markings. 
DSC_0886.jpg (262696 bytes) DSC_0885.jpg (300298 bytes)
Nov 2009, Carbrook Wetland

Caterpillars of genus Hemibela live in tube. They make a hollow tube from small twig and live inside as protection. They change tube when they grow up. They pupate inside the tube as well. All of them feed on green gum leaves, although we found one tube on Acacia.
DSCN1839.JPG (52883 bytes) DSCN1842.jpg (195468 bytes) DSC_7881.jpg (172803 bytes)
Tube length 10mm

1. Moths of Australia - I. F. B. Common, Melbourne University Press, 1990, p224, Fig52.2..

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Last updated: August 02, 2011.