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Family Oecophoridae
This page contains information and pictures about Concealer Moth Caterpillars
that we found in
the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.

- Body length 10mm
- We believe those caterpillars listed in this page are Concealer Moth Caterpillars,
but do not know which species they are.
- Concealer Moth Caterpillar I

- Oenochroa sp., body length 20mm
- 1. Oenochroa species A
- Caterpillars
of Australian Moths - Don Herbison-Evans & Stella Crossley, 2002.
- Concealer Moth Caterpillar II

- ?sp., body length 20mm
- This caterpillar builds retreat with silk between two leaves. They look like
the caterpillars in this family, but not so sure. Please advise if you know what species it

- Concealer Moth Caterpillar III

- ?sp., body length 20mm
- Concealer Moth Caterpillar IV

- ?sp., body length 15mm
- Concealer Moth Caterpillar V

- Jun
2007, on Acacia
- Concealer Moth Caterpillar VI

March, 2009, on Eucalypt
- Reference:
- 1. Australian Moths Online - CSIRO Ecosystem Sciences 2011.
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