Patterned-wing Snipe Fly
Black Snipe Fly
Grey Snipe Fly
Golden Snipe Fly 
Slender March Fly
Flower-feeding March Fly
Greyish-Brown March Fly
Banded-wing March Fly
Australian March Fly
Yellowish-brown March Fly
Reddish-brown March Fly
Brown March Fly
Garden Soldier Fly
Black Solder Fly
Green Soldier Fly 
Brown Soldier Fly
Brown Tangle-vein Fly  
Yellow Tangle-vein Fly
Bladder Fly
Unknown Flies

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Soldier Flies - Family Stratiomyidae

Order Diptera 

This page contains pictures and information about Soldier Flies in family Stratiomyidae that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.
Body length 20mm 
This is a moderately large size family. Soldier Flies are usually medium in body size. We usually found them resting on plants. Most of them are black although there are also the yellow, green, red and metallic colours. Several species are mimicking wasps. 
Solder Flies can be recognised by the characteristic wing venation. There is the small and compact discal cell just behind the costa of the wing. The antennal flagellum is usually elongated and annulate. 
The proboscis is short and fleshy. 
Their Larvae occur in various habitats such as aquatic, decaying materials and under bark. They feed on algae or decaying organic matter.

Subfamily Beridinae

Garden Soldier Fly
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Exaireta spinigera body length 15mm 
Pictures were taken on Aug 2009 inside out house in Eight Mile Plains. This fly resemble wasp in the subfamily Sphecinae. There are two spins on scutellum and the wings are patterned. This Garden Solder Fly is common in garden. Please check this page for more information. 

Subfamily Hermetiinae

Black Soldier Fly
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Hermetia illucens, body length 20mm
This flies look like a black wasp. It has long antenna, the body and wings are in shiny black colour. Their legs are black with white tips. This fly is easily found on leaves in garden plants during all seasons of the year in Brisbane. From information on the internet, this Block Solder Fly is common and widespread around the world. Please check this page for more information.

Subfamily Stratiomyinae

Green Soldier Fly
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? Ophlodontha or Odontomyia sp., body length 10mm 
Gerard sent us email advise that this is a soldierfly, so family Stratiomyiidae, Could be the Ophlodontha. For more information please check this page.
Brown Soldier Fly
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? Odontomyia sp., Stratiomyini, body length 6mm 
From the wing vein pattern, we believed this is a Solder Fly in genus Odontomyia. Please check this page for more information.

Unknown Soldier Flies

Unknown Soldier Fly 1
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? sp., body length 15mm
Pictures were taken on Apr 2008 in Mt Coot-tha.
Unknown  Soldier Fly 2
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?sp., Chiromyzinae, body length 15mm 

1. Insects of Australia - CSIRO, Division of Entomology, Melbourne University Press, 2nd Edition 1991, p755.
2. Family STRATIOMYIDAE - Australian Biological Resources Study, Australian Faunal Directory.
3. Northern Territory Insects, A Comprehensive Guide CD - Graham Brown, 2009.

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Last updated: April 08, 2013.