Anthrax Bee Fly I
Anthrax Bee Fly II
Anthrax Bee Fly III
Anthrax Bee Fly IV
Thraxan Bee Fly I
Thraxan Bee Fly II
Thraxan Bee Fly III
Thraxan Bee Fly IV
Thraxan Bee Fly V
Thraxan Bee Fly VI
Villa Bee Fly I
Villa Bee Fly II
Villa Bee Fly III
Villa Bee Fly IV 


Spotted-wings Ligyra Beefly - Ligyra punctipennis 

Family Bombyliidae 

This page contains pictures and information about Spotted Wings Ligyra Bee Flies that we found in the Brisbane area, Queensland, Australia.

Body length 15mm
The Bee fly has dark fuscous abdomen cross by a wide band of pale yellowish hairs. The brownish wings marked with eight small dark spots at the crossing-points of wing veins. Before we thought that it is the Ligyra bombyliformis. We double checked and believed it is the Ligyra punctipennis (Synonyms: L. contrasta). We recognized this by the white and black bands on the abdomen. 
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We first found this Beefly in Karawatha Forest during mid summer 2005.
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We found this Beefly again in Anstead Forest on Dec 2009. It was resting on the footpath. 

1. Bee Fly - Ligyra pictipennis -, by Nick Monaghan
2. Insects of Australia and New Zealand - R. J. Tillyard, Angus & Robertson, Ltd, Sydney, 1926, p364 (Hyperalonia bombyliformis).
3. A review of the Australian species of the genus Ligyra Newman (Hyperlonia Olim) (Bombyliidae : Diptera) - SJ Paramonov, 1967.
4. Species Ligyra punctipennis (Macquart, 1850) - Australian Biological Resources Study, Australian Faunal Directory. 

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Last updated: December 01, 2012.